Refund Policy

If you are dissatisfied with a product or service that you purchased via Happy Baby, you may qualify for a refund if you meet the following criteria:

• All products and service refund requests must be received within 30 days of the original purchase date. Refunds on a product and/or service will only be issued once per product and/or service. All purchases will be refunded back to the original payment source, whether credit card, bank account, or PayPal account.

• Refund requests for Happy Baby’s self-guided coaching courses (CCA) must be requested within 30-days of the original purchase. Refunds requested after this date will not be processed or considered.

• Refund requests for unused email follow ups must be requested within the first TWO follow up email exchanges AND within 30 days of the original purchase date.

• For all consultation packages, cancellations, rescheduling appointments, or non-showing within 24 hours of the scheduled appointment time will result in having 15-minutes of time or one email deducted from your remaining allotted allowance to compensate for the sleep consultant’s time as well as the time that could have been used by another family. This helps to ensure that all of our clients get help in a timely manner.

• For all 30 minute Happy Baby calls: no refund if cancelled within 24 hours. You may reschedule for an appointment within 2 weeks if you notify us within 48 hours of your appointment. This helps to ensure that all of our sleepy families get help in a timely manner.

• Unused consulting services will NOT be partially refunded, but consulting services where a sleep plan has not been created are valid for one year after purchase.

• Consulting services are nontransferable.

• Email packages may be paused once per package for a maximum of 2 weeks for cases of illness, travel, natural disasters, etc. Should your request to extend for a period of more than 2 weeks, your package will automatically be forfeit. If there are fewer than 2 weeks of the email package remaining, the package may not be paused for any circumstance. To request a refund for any service, please email us at Refunds will be processed on a weekly basis, usually 7-10 days from the time we receive your request. If you have any questions about or policies, please contact us.

We’d be happy to answer your questions!